Archive for the ‘Tests’ Category

I ran into a few site of SLR while I was working the set and a bit of polarize stereo rendering things.

Never know that Maya took Einstein’s concept about property of light that seriously.

This guy’s idea.

“Light particle” was his idea, and I just learned that area light (and every other lights?) in Maya can emit photons. Woot sounds like 70′ sci-fi.

I decided to make a quick interior test. And I swear on my Macbook Pro that I learn hell a lot from this.

Behold, my first interior set.

Interior Test 01

And the result revealed

Posted: August 16, 2010 in Mac tips, Tests

I’m back, after all those busy days. Just, again, installed maya 2009 in order to see if the render time different.

I looked upon a few tuts and came up with this scene, fur with 10,ooo density 500 glob illum and 200 final gather,

Let’s start with 2009 version, 1.13 sec, not bad

and this is Maya 2011 on 64 bit Macbook Pro

1.03 sec, better

I’m sure it will make lots different on 200-300 frame renders